I am a writer. It has taken me a long time to embrace that completely because I'm not only a writer. I am a lot of other things, too. There are endless elements that make up each person- facets of life that are always changing; always growing. I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a traveler, a coffee drinker. I am in love with Jesus and everything that makes up the entirety of my existence hopefully points back to the unfathomable grace He has shown me; how He took my impossibly blackened heart and transformed me into His daughter, healed and set free from the strangling bondage I had enclosed myself in. And now, in addition to all of those things, I am freely welcoming the fact that I am indeed a writer. I've forced myself to stop saying someday, and instead I am embracing today. Today is the best day there is to write.
A writer writes, not because they have to, but because they want to. A writer doesn't write to add to a list of life achievements or to impress people with a stack of works that will eventually collect dust anyway. A writer doesn't write for money or for fame. I am a writer. And I write because I experience life through words. Long, strung-out, enticing sentences linger in my head until I rummage for a pen and scatter them all over crisp paper. As I go about my day, I willingly submerge myself into a sea of potential stories all around me; I cannot shut the words off and I don't want to. I am a storyteller, and a feeler, and a thinker- dispensing these ideas onto paper is my only option. I will no longer wait around for some grand moment; I will stop anticipating that I will someday be granted a special right of passage to give me permission to live life through writing. I will write for today. I will tend to the stories and experiences that I have been given and share them with the world that God has placed around me. Maybe after all of those moments and words have collected up, it will have transfigured into a larger work; a book. Maybe not. But I'm okay with that. So today I will write, because I am a writer.
This is awesome!!So proud of you!Share your story everyday!